Does Passive Income Really Work?

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I bet you’ve heard much about passive income and making money online, but you’re unsure if it’s the real deal or just another scam.

In this video, I will explain that it’s possible to make money online through affiliate marketing.

So, how does it work?

You can actively sell products for a company and earn a commission, or you can build systems that do the selling for you.

This can be a website, blog, podcast, YouTube channel, or eBook. And the best part?

Once the initial work is done, you can relax and watch the money roll in without any additional effort.

Some might argue that you still must market and promote your products, but most marketing can be automated or requires minimal effort.

Take it from me: a YouTube video I made six months ago earned me an extra $1000 in November 2016. That’s work I did six months prior that yielded profits without any additional effort.

And you don’t need a huge audience to be successful at affiliate marketing. If you know your audience and are selling something they have a demand for, even a tiny audience can bring in a reasonable amount of income.

For example, if you have an audience of 100 and just ten people buy something at $100 each, that’s better than someone with an audience of 10,000 who only gets the same ten people to buy. As your audience grows, so does your income potential.

So, there you have it. Affiliate marketing is a legitimate way to make passive income online. Don’t let skeptics deter you from trying it.

With some effort and determination, you can start earning money from the comfort of your own home.